holy smokes, what a DAY! i set my alarm clock wrong, so i was late to work, didn't weigh myself, i weigh 201.8 now though, so i know that i will lose weight tomorrow, my sister, (who i've been less than this WHOLE diet, except the first two days) now weighs in less than me... argh, i'm a little bit jealous now... lol, i'm still "winning" in total pounds lost, but... now i guess i understand what you're talking about Mia! i also get the apple breath thing. we were so slow at the bagel shop today, really busy even with the "blizzard" going on outside, but we got a lot of deep cleaning done. so, here's my food log
snack-water....SO starving
lunch apple, hour late and i was the biggest...crab apple ever, sliced one and ate it while i was slacking dough.
snack/dinner- apple... and an apple and another one,
then ky and i shared one for dessert... mmm 6 apples... i wonder if we can do different kinds,
Yes you can mix the types of apples. it keeps them from getting boring! Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow. Text me and tell me how it goes!