quick less thick

My Weight Ticker

Thursday, January 27, 2011

R1 p3 day7

Gained two pounds today, but I'm still within two pounds of my ldw, I did cheat a little last night and had a chocolate riesin, ugh it was good! I thought it wouldn't taste as good, but it really did! But I'm makin oopsie rolls today, I will tell you how they turn out... mine were kinda flat, so i tried doing the rest of it in muffin pans... they just taste like quiche boo! the flat ones are good, i had a slice of cheese on one, it was, mmm ok, they sure don't look anything like Erica's! my sister is going to try to make some when she gets home, if i had just used the egg whites they would have been HUGE! i do something wrong when i fold the cream cheese mixture in.  my sister and i are going to try this lime tilapia recipe tonight, subbing cauliflower for rice.  i will let you know how it goes.  so, today i had 2 oranges, a handful of pork rinds, some tuna fish with onions and green peppers, mayo and pepper, on a bed of spinach, and that oopsie roll with a slice of cheese, i still have shrimp left over from yestrefay, maybe if cauil rice is good i will have that with some green beans for lunch tomorrow.  kyeron has had cookies, and suckers and gold fish, i've been workin on potty training hard core today, so it's been all rewards, no punishment, we even went to the park for a couple hours and he stayed dry. his sucker smells good, but i've had a headache all day, i'm sure it's from the illegal suar last night... i'm about to take some exederin and whine a little, lol
UPDATE- just so you know, cauli-rice was delicious! i will definitely be doing that again, it takes a while, but it really does look and texture like rice, tastes pretty good too! tried it with this lime tilapia, here is the recipe, i subbed liq aminos for the soy sauce,

Ginger Lime Tilapia – 4 servings (30 min total)
1 1/3 lb Tilapia
1 c White rice
1 T Garlic, minced
1 T Ginger, minced
1/3 c Lime juice
2 T Soy sauce
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
2. Prepare white rice according to package directions- this should just require adding olive oil
and water, boiling, and then covering to simmer for 20 minutes.
3. Mix garlic, ginger, lime juice, and soy sauce.
4. In a glass baking dish, place tilapia fillets in a single layer and cover with mix.
5. Bake 15 minutes. Tilapia is done when it is the same color inside and out.

Ginger Lime Tilapia
Per Serving: 202 Cal; 34 g Protein; 0 g Tot Fat; 0 g Sat Fat; 0 g Mono Fat; 13 g Carb;
1 g Fiber; 1 g Sugar; 8 mg Calcium; 0 mg Iron; 458 mg Sodium; 76 mg Cholesterol

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate Riesin's used to be something I'd eat by the bag back in high school. lol

    I need to make some oopsie rolls myself. I see some french toast in my future. =)

    As long as your within your 2 lbs, don't stress. You're doing fabulous. ♥
