quick less thick

My Weight Ticker

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

well, i sure am not doing hcg right now... lol

buuut erica made me feel bad because i have been reading her blog, but i haven't been writing one... i figure, my 3 followers are my facebook friends, sooooo, they get most of the juice there... anyway, i've been off hcg for over a month now, i settled in at 185.4.  i've been thinking about doing another round, my friend shawn is going to finish her drops, i think i will just take my sisters... and i'm going to start working out, no really, at least 3 classes a week, plus weights... (also with shawn) I don't know if you guys know or not, but i decided to get back with jeff. apparently during our "break" he did nothing but make sure that he was really ready to be in a relationship, thanks to his crazy ex i guess it was really a BIG deal, and well, he kinda thought we would just be hanging out, but when he started to see that this was becoming a lot more fast he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be leading me on or anything... that's what he told me, and i believe him, he's pretty much been honest with me the whole time i've known him... he says all he did for those two weeks was think about me and go bowling with his friend scott... aaaaanyway, i've been working a lot, and hanging out with jeff a lot, i really like that we both have kids, sometimes it's so hard, with the the "he's hitting me" he's being mean" "he took my blah blah blah" but it's nice to do stuff with them together (well sorta, usually one of them runs one way and the other the other way) and have someone who doesn't seem put out by the "really, your kid comes first?" kind of mentality. I really really like him, i was a little nervous telling him that i was ready to try it again after he came by to talk to me, i mean i was pretty hurt after he needed some time to think it through and it was 2 weeks, i had pretty much given up on him and was pissed because i was taking birth control i wasted 90 dollars on.  however it ends up, he's really good for me, and kyeron, and i'm happy. 
  Work sucks, i work so much, and do so much, and a lot of times i wonder why, i have to constantly prod people to do their jobs, and i have to be the mediator, and the mommy, and the babysitter, and the clean up crew in times of disaster. uuugh, i love it though... i just have to keep telling myself that.
  it's been so long since i've been to the gym by my job that i didn't know the system changed, now you can just use your thumbprint, instead of a card, whoa, what? when did that change??? lol, anyway, body pump tomorrow, then weights and a pedi with shawn, talk to you soon my blogger peeps! i will try to make sure it isn't so long next time!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

r2.5 vlcd3

doing good, cheated yesterday, ugh... i really want to finish my drops with a bang, i'm going to prepare my meals ahead and take it seriously from now on... i don't know why it's so hard... but i have a couple weeks till TOM arrives, (says the birthcontrol i'm taking for no reason... uughh) anyway, i'm drinking water, and from here on out i'm shooting for new territory, then i plan on working out and debating a last round of HCG...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

post sickness/completely rediculous breakup, and 2 consecutive apple days soo aka r2.5 vlcd3

i lost the 6 pounds i gained when i had a major case of the f*its... and i should be into new territory tomorrow, i've totally been dying to cheat all day though...   if i do, it'll be another apple day tomorrow, i will let you guys know.

Friday, March 25, 2011

r2 vlcd23

i'm so sick, and i woke up to a .3 gain, so, today i'm going to have some chicken soup, and take my cough medicine, and eat cough drops, and drink echinecea (or how ever you spell it...) tea, and get better, then i will be back on track... just a couple days! hope you guys are all doing well!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

r2 vlcd22

i have been doing apple days constantly, working too, i think i might just do it till i burn out, and then eating tilapia and stuff will be like a treat! i've only been eating two or three a day though, i don't want to burn out.  but i feel like i can make  up for lost time on the diet by doing that, i weigh 182 so, i  am almost half way there!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

r2 vlcd22

so, monday i thought it was the 23rd... i don't know how... but anyway... apple day success, i lost like 3 pounds, and then i lost two again today! yay!!! i'm off tomorrow, going to cook breakfast for my boys, (kyeron jeff, and his son) and drink my fruit smoothie.  waffles, hasbrowns, eggs, hmm, i wonder if we have bacon... i'm going to watch jeff's son for him while he sleeps because he has to work a three man shift all by himself... poor baby! anyway, today i had cauliflower and lemon pepper chicken, and an apple.  thats it, lots of tea, lots of water. i'm happy i have my head in the game now!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

R2 what shoulda been vlcd21 I think

I broke down last night, and not even with stuff I like! Well Mac and cheese is good, but pop tarts? Uuuuugh! Kyeron just kept waving it in my face and well, I finally took a bite, and then it was all down hill from there, I'm scared to see what the future weigh in has to hold for me... That was about 2 cups mac and cheese and a whe pop tart, plus a bite... I can tell ive lost inches still but the weight just isn't coming off like it was, maybe I'm at an old set point, but I am pretty sure I've never been this big except for when I was pregnant... 180s is still better than I thought I'd get on the diet, but I still have 3 weeks to go, and I will for sure be doing an apple day today!